Those Three Sisters Estate Sale Services, LLC

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Shauna Patton and Pamela Bowman




David and Pamela Bowman have owned The Hillsboro Antique Mall for over thirty years and Pamela and her sister, Shauna Patton, have conducted estate sales as an off-shoot of the antique mall for over twenty years.      

Because Pamela and Shauna started out as estate sale customers, everything done at their estate sales is the way they wanted it done when they were the shoppers.  


  1. They organize every part of the house and have a price on every single item in the home.
  2. Items are not sold before their opening morning.  Everything in the sale photos is available when the doors open on the first day of the sale.
  3. Their opening times are really the opening times.  You can relax and enjoy that cup of coffee.
  4. They provide a holding area where you can leave a chosen item and then, continue to shop.  There is no need to bring a child along to 'watch your pile'.
  5. Boxes are provided for your shopping and ease of carrying your items to the car.
  6. Their checkout area is a real checkout area.  The number of cashiers on hand depends on the size of the sale, but they have sales large enough for four regular cashiers and another for express checkout.  Too, sometimes there are separate checkouts in the workshops or barns.
  7. They treat their estate sale clients and customers as family.



Pamela and Shauna will be glad to meet with you for a free consultation and discuss what is best for your circumstances.  Phone 254.337.0233 and ask for Pamela Bowman.